CAR & TRUCK ACCIDENT LAWYERShouston CAR accident attorney
Seek the advice of our legal team to ensure you are protected.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a motor vehicle accident it may be important to discuss your legal rights with an attorney before speaking to the insurance company of the person at fault. Victims of auto accidents are all too often confused, grieving, in pain and/or incapacitated, to take immediate action to preserve their right to fair compensation for those injuries.
It is also important to remember that there is a limited period of time to make a claim, or you are barred forever (The Statute of Limitations). The sooner you are made aware of your rights the more prepared you will be to pursue your claim favorably.
We encourage you to seek the advice of our legal team to ensure that you and your family are legally protected and to help you obtain just compensation.

REQUEST a Free Consultation
Auto Accident Injuries
The injuries sustained in car accidents vary from minor bumps, bruises and cuts to brain damage, paralysis, fractures, internal injuries and even fatal injuries. Some injuries are so severe they require surgery, physical therapy and/or prolonged rehabilitation.
The effects of being injured by a careless driver, reckless or aggressive driver, drunk driver or bad road conditions are sometimes endless and catastrophic. One may suffer from a lost job or reduced wages, strained personal relationships, and chronic pain and suffering, to name a few.
Get In Touch
5433 Westheimer Suite 700
Houston, TX 77056
Phone: (713) 524-6606
Fax: (713) 840-7378
[email protected]